Essential AML/CFT Training for Your Team

A knowledgeable and vigilant workforce is essential for a robust AML/CFT program. AB AML offers a comprehensive suite of AML/CFT training programs, both onsite and online, designed to empower your team to effectively identify and prevent money laundering and terrorist financing activities.

Insights Into Comprehensive Training Course

Equip your team with the knowledge they need to safeguard your business. AB AML’s online AML/CFT training course is designed to provide a comprehensive and interactive learning experience across six key chapters. This course delves into the essential aspects of AML/CFT regulations, empowering your team to identify and prevent financial crime effectively.

Grasp the concept of money laundering and its role in criminal activities and Identify the red flags associated with suspicious financial transactions.

Explore the various methods criminals use to disguise the source of illegal funds and learn how to recognize these techniques in real-world scenarios.

Discover effective strategies to prevent money laundering within your organization. and implement best practices for safeguarding your company’s financial systems.
Understand the link between money laundering and terrorist activities and learn how to identify and report potential financing of terrorism.
Develop a comprehensive risk assessment framework to identify and mitigate money laundering vulnerabilities and implement controls to ensure ongoing compliance with anti-money laundering regulations.

Master the principles of KYC (Know Your Customer) and Customer Due Diligence (CDD) and understand your reporting obligations to regulatory authorities.

Online Training

Flexible Learning at Your Pace

Walk through comprehensive online modules, explore real-world scenarios, and test your knowledge – All on your own schedule

OnSite AML Training

Immersive Learning Experience

Gain deeper understanding through interactive session’s, group discussion’s, and practical exercises led by our experienced AML/CFT specialist’s.

Proud Sponsor’s of 2023 FIU & ACAMS Conference